DG85 and PMD85 installation help

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DG85 and PMD85 installation help

Post by Pierre_P »

The DG85 is a high security motion detector that uses a unique patterned lens to address pet immunity; it has two dual apposed pyro sensors for stability and an intelligent processor, which uses cleverly calculated logarithms to ensure accurate detection between many varying temperature sources differing with only a few degrees.

1. Always use the MG-SB85 bracket when installing the DG85.
a. The bracket ensures better isolation from heated walls and better ventilation.
b. The field of view can be adjusted much easier, if needed.
c. Make sure the bracket is securely installed on a non-movable wall or post.

2. The DG85 will perform better when installed in shade. (If possible)
a. This will ensure a lower internal temperature resulting in better processing of the heat it needs to detect.
b. There will be less manipulation from the sun’s infrared rays.

3. For optimal performance install the DG85 at a height of 2.1m.
a. Make sure that when installed at 2.1m the internal setting corresponds to ensure pet immunity.
b. Where there are no pets the unit can be installed at 1.6 meters. You will notice that the human detection speed is faster at this height, but the detection range decreases to about 8 meters. If more range is needed set the internal setting closer to 1.1m.
c. The higher the unit the slower the detection and the bigger the non-detection gap under it becomes. (1.5m @ 2.1m). For SA conditions do not install the unit higher than 2.6 meters
d. The unit should be installed at 90 degrees to the ground. If the ground runs at an angle, adjust the unit at 90 degrees to that angle to ensure pet immunity.
e. Note the different levels of the ground. If a unit is installed at 2.1m and the ground level changes to one meter below the unit, the pet immunity will be compromised at this level. If the level suddenly becomes lower than 2.1m, poor detection could be expected from that area.

4. The DG85’s viewing planes (beams) must be terminated on a solid object (background) not more that 15m away from it
a. The PIR needs a solid background with a slow changing temperature. It memorizes the background temperature to ensure stability and to differentiate between that and the temperature of a human.
b. Do not install the unit facing into infinity, an open field or overlooking a built-up area. The background temperature will fluctuate leaving the unit with an undetermined reference. This will result in false alarms during warm and windy conditions.
c. Remember that at 2.1m the PIR’s minimum detection range is 11m, but at night where there is no heat from the sun it may detect infrared energy more than 100m away. Be careful not to install the unit on a balcony or wall facing over the neighbor’s border or into traffic. Vehicles engines are hot and can create large infrared fields that and can trigger the PIR from far away.
d. Trees, hedges and wooden fences do not totally stop the path of infrared energy. Neighbors and vehicles could be detected through this. Pointing it towards a wire or slotted fence will result in false alarms from the neighbor’s movement.
e. Be aware of backgrounds like black walls, tar, zinc plates, paved areas or any objects that reach high temperatures. These could slow down or even mask the PIR from human detection when the same or higher temperature is reached.

5. When installing the DG85 outdoors set its pulse count to dual edge processing.
a. Dual edge processing ensures better stability with false alarms caused by wind. Air moving past the DG85 carries heat and this could be interpreted by the PIR as a large moving heat source such as a human. To combat this problem a dual pyro is used. Each sensor has two pyros (dual opposed) situated next to each other, thus there are two view planes (beams) right next to each other. When a human passes from left to right or from right to left past these beams each pyro receives the same amount of energy, because heat from a human stays constant. This also indicates the entry and exit of the detection ensuring movement sensing. The heat from moving air changes shape and size and is very unlikely to deliver the same amount of energy at both these pyros. When the energy differs a pulse will not be counted.
b. With single edge pulse count, only one pyro needs energy to be counted as a pulse. Where there is no or very little wind (enclosed courtyard) this could be used to ensure faster detection.

6. Adjust the pulse count setting according to the environment.
a. The outdoors has many conditions that could simulate the movement of human heat, but if installed correctly these simulations are usually temporary and caused by unique temperature combinations. One or two pulses might be noticed by the PIR and by setting the pulse count slightly more false alarms could be eliminated.
b. Turn the pulse count pot fully clock-wise and then back one quarter of the way. This will give you a pulse count of three and should be sufficient for most conditions if installed correctly. If false alarms occur adjust the pulse count to a maximum of 5.
c. To check what the pulse count is set to, push down on the tamper switch and the LED will flash. If it flashes 7 times, subtract this from 10 and the pulse count is thus 3.
d. The minimum movement and heat detection on the DG85 on Dual processing is 1,4m across the field view at 2m from the detector and is doubled at 11m .eg : (7/10 sensitivity 1,4m of movement ) ; ( 5/10 sensitivity 2,5m of movement ) ; 1/10 sensitivity 3,5m of movement )

7. The DG85 should be installed facing the protected area.
a. The DG85 counts pulses as it detects the movement of heat from left to right and from right to left. Considering this it is better to install the PIR facing the path towards the protected area or the area itself. The intruder should cross the PIR’s field of view. Pointing the unit towards the building (house) ensures for better termination as well.
b. When installing the DG85 facing down an alley only a few beams will cover the area depending on the width of the alley. Consider the above mentioned when positioning the PIR.

8. The DG85 should not trigger from the infrared energy radiated from animals of up to 40KG. (Installed at 2.1 meters at 90 degrees to the ground level)
a. The PIR cannot weight anything and this is just a reference. The size, shape and posture of an animal determine how many view planes it covers at once at any given moment.
b. There are dogs of 50 kg that might not be detected and dogs of 25 kg could trigger the DG85. Some dogs are bred for cold conditions and cloaked by long hair, causing the size of the infrared energy to appear smaller. On the other hand shorthaired dogs, especially darker ones radiate much more heat appearing larger. (Boxers, Dobermans etc.)
c. The best method is to measure the animal, if the animal is longer than 90cm and taller than 70cm you should rather opt for the DG85 with the pet-alley lens. Always take point b. into consideration.
d. Two or more dogs with a combined weight of more than 40kg will activate the PIR and the DG85 with pet-lens should rather be used.
e. You will find that the unit will even activate with children weighing less than 40kg due to their upright posture. The DG85 is designed to detect vertically moving heat sources better than horizontal ones. This is how it achieves pet immunity. If bigger animals jump against walls or into the air, activations might occur, but should be rectified with an increased pulse count setting.
f. Large plant leaves (Palms, Strelitzia, Delicious Monster), which move around in the wind, could cause activations. At 11m they should not move more than 1m from side to side, if closer the movement should be less.
g. Washing moving in the wind during the day, especially large sheets could cause false alarms. Be aware of rotisserie lines, which move over a greater area.

9. The DG85 is only pet immune from 2 meters away from its view pattern.
a. The viewing planes (beams) are closer together nearer to the PIR. If a cat is one meter in front of the unit it will appear to the DG85 as a 200kg lion. The cat is covering more beams than when it is further away.
b. Make sure there are no moving objects or plants closer than 2 meters from the DG85. Moving objects or plants in the non-detection tri-angle (2.1m by 1.5m) right underneath the unit will not be detected.
c. Insects or lizards gaining entry to the unit could cause false activations. Make sure the cable entry point is sealed.

10. False Alarms (Although installed correctly)
a. If false alarms occur in the day and at night the unit is looking over or through borderlines detecting heat sources outside the property.
b. If false alarms occur in the morning only, the PIR is looking onto a fast heating object such as a metal plate. The combination of this and cold air causes false alarms.
c. If false alarms occur only in the day at different times, change the view angle of the unit slightly or move it to another point. Some object in its field of view is simulating an alarm condition.
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