On the Insite Gold app the are installer menus' available to change certain information for your alarm system.
One of them is to enter and change email reporting configuration settings.
It is not possible to use the web browser as in prior versions.
Once the app is open then click hamburger button at top right
Choose Installer Menu
Select your site
Enter PC Password for this site (default is 0000)
Connect (if limited select limited option)
Select Modules Configuration
Select IP150+
This page you can set your IP parameters to DHCP or Static and IP receivers and so on.
Do not change your settings here, if unsure leave this settings else you would need to reset your module if you incorrectly set the IP details.
Scroll down to Email Configuration
Best is to create a Google app password in your Google account to be used for this module.
See https://myaccount.google.com/security
Then navigate to Signing in to Google options
Use settings for Gmail:
Outgoing Server = smtp.gmail.com
Port = 25
User Name = only enter your gmail username, not the gmail.com at the end
Password = your gmail account password or app password created
Then you can enter 4 reporting email addresses
enter the full email address and select the areas, events and I/O's that needs to be reported to this email
Repeat for more email reporting addresses (max 4)
Click test and check your inbox
If successful press save
IP150+ email reporting programming
email reporting via ip150